The best voice recorders and spy equipment

Clear your throats ladies and gentlemen, dont mumble, as we look at the best voice recorders on the market -remember to speak clearly so we can hear you.

With a quick record option even when the device has been shut off, the 288hr digital voice recorder is one to consider. Small, sleak and can record continiously for 72 hours and store upto 288hrs of audio (hence the name). Recording continously for 4-5 hours, the Covert USB datastick has a 20ft radius and will save the audio before the battery dies. The size of a £2 coin, the Solar voice recorder can be carried around disguised as a necklace and can record 18 hours of audio and uses a lithium battery during the night. The size of a £2 coin (but 6x thicker), the Stacker voice recorder has a radius of 15ft and will allow upto 37 hours of voice recording. a 15ft range for audio and password protected, the Stereo voice recorder is only 3/4 the size of a matchstick, and has a battery life of 60 hours.

And here’s some spy equipment to consider.

Kleenex anyone? The ’tissue box’ recorder (which is disguised as such) uses technology similar to a two way mirror, the camera inside can see out, but people cannot see into it. Will record for 6 hours continiously onto an sd card, which can be plugged into a pc to view the data. Using a special amplifier to get through walls 12 inches thick, ‘listen through walls’ can allow you to record your neighbours noise as evidence of noise pollution. The GPS Pelitracker is a weatherproof, dustproof and crushproof tracking device that can stick to the bottom of a car, and can watch the cars progress from Google Maps and Google Earth, also sending SMS movement alerts. The ‘3G DAB radio’ can stream real time audio and video footage to your phone and functions as a digital alarm clock with a camera completely invisible to the naked eye.